Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Is it hot out here, or what?!

Wow! Is it hot out there! To which you are to reply, "How hot is it?" Well, it's not exactly the heat, it's the've probably heard that one before. Welcome to WV in the summer time. Pack up your lungs and get out your gills, you're gonna need 'em! And in this case that was the problem, along with mosquitoes the size of hummingbirds. I went out to tackle some projects that have been needing done. I got the porch flowers taken care of and the garbage to the curb. Then I picked up all the big branches out of the yard so Chris can mow tonight or tomorrow night. Then I decided to tackle the giant multiflora rose bush that is taking over the edge of the driveway and my favorite honeysuckle vine. So I set out with my little nippers. I like to chop away at big projects and this one was definately BIG.

I got into it and found that not only was there a giant multiflora rose inside my honeysuckle vine, but a wild honeysuckle bush, grapevine, blackberry bush and...poison ivy! Egad! To top that off the mosquitoes came out en force! So I am clipping and swatting and sweating in places that I didn't know could actually sweat-now there is another day's blog. I was doing a pretty good job, when I looked up and saw that rather than running around the yard the dog had actually started to paddle, and I swear I saw her float once or twice too. But I persisted. Then it happened, the final straw. Little flaps came out and blocked up my nose. My lungs ceased to function and little slits appeared on my sides and tiny fins. I was swimming in humidity.

I had swatted so many mosquitos that I couldn't tell the dead ones from the live ones on my legs. They don't bite me anywhere else, just on my legs. Well, I can't say that always is the case, one actually bit me on my butt one time. And I had tramped through the poison ivy at least ten times, so it was time to get cleaned up. I sure hope this is not the way the entire summer is going to be, or I won't get much else outside done. But if it is, I hope everyone knows how to swim and scuba dive, and be safe in the process!!