Thursday, July 29, 2010

Paranormal Part 2

While I was a teenager, I had a very vivid dream that I can still recall to this day. I dreamt I had been out after dark and was driving home up Bingamon. I was driving the little car my parents gave me, and started up the holler. A little ways up, I saw what can only be described as demons on either side of the road. They were grabbing at my car and clawing at it. I just kept driving by them as fast as I could. The further up the holler I got, the more there were of them and they began chasing my car. I just kept thinking that if I could get to my house and up the hill that I would be safe. So I just kept driving and praying. I got to the driveway and up the hill and at the top I was getting out to run inside and be safe with my parents. I went to grab something out of the trunk and the demons were inside there too. I just ran toward the door of the house, but woke up before I could get there.
My parents also gave me some spending money if I would go over once a week and clean the church that my Daddy preached in. It was just across the driveway from the house. I also played piano and organ, and would have to go over there and practice. I usually had to go by myself. I hated being in the building by myself. There always seemed to be someone in there with me. This is the same church building where I had witnessed demons being cast out of a man. I would practice or clean and try to do it all as fast as I could because I always felt someone was watching over my shoulder. I was never alone.
About this time I started what I still call my "snake dream". To this day, if I dream about snakes, within a week or two, someone in my life does something to hurt me in some way. This has happened to me so many times I have lost count. There is one exception to this dream. If I dream about snakes, and somehow I kill the snake or someone kills it for me, then something happens but I am not hurt. When I have this dream, it is like waiting for the other shoe to drop. Just waiting for who is going to hurt me when...
I moved out of state for a while and lived in AZ and CO. I never really had any experiences in AZ, but then again, I was in pure self-preservation mode, so I probably wouldn't have recognized an experience if I had one. When I moved to a ranch in the high country of CO, my ex-husband and I were the only ones on the ranch and probably for miles. It was beautiful, lonely, haunting...Life was great there, but I absolutely could NOT go up into the loft of the big shed to get anything that was in storage. It could be the brightest, sunniest, happiest day, and I would start up those steps, and it was like something black was pushing down on me. Pushing against me going up there. I HAD to go, and would get up there and it was like being short of breath. Like someone was forcing the breath out of me. Maybe I was holding my breath too while I was up there. I have this habit of "forgetting" to breathe. I concentrate so hard on what I am doing that I slow my breathing WAY down. I never heard of any negative history on the ranch, but it had been an active ranch for over a hundred years and many of the buildings were original, so who knows for sure.
In the winter, we moved into town and into the cutest little two-story house you ever saw. Since it was just the two of us - and we had a huge water bed, we decided to keep the bedroom downstairs and use the huge room upstairs for storage. The big room upstairs was beautiful with big windows and LOTs of light and sunshine. It would have been a great studio to work on my sewing, but I couldn't stay up there for more than a minute. The upstairs was separated by a door with a large glass window from the downstairs. And when you openedthat door, you felt like you were going to your own execution. Sometimes I would have this undeniable urge to watch thru the window in that door - viewable from our couch - like I was going to get a glimpse of the "male" that was up there. I never saw anything, but if you can imagine what it would feel like to be kidnapped and hidden away and knowing you were done for, that was the feeling you got when you opened that door and started up those steps. There were little cubbies under the eaves in that room too, and we never used them b/c I just could not open them up. I felt like if I opened them up, I was going to find a body in there. I didn't look into the history of the house, because at the time, I didn't know much about how to do that.
After a while, I moved back here and my ex-husband and I lived in the church building. Daddy had retired and converted the church into a house. It was a beautiful home, but I had problems with the bedroom closet and the pantry. Everytime I went to open the door of the closet or pantry, I had a flash vision of a headless and legless torso hanging in there. When I went into the pantry - it was big and walk-in, I couldn't be in there for very long. I knew where everything was exactly so I could just grab and go. This is the same building where I had seen the demons cast out of that man.

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