Wednesday, August 25, 2010

More Paranormal Experiences...

Before I met Chris in Jan 2002, I had numerous experiences at my house.  A lot of them dealing with my Daddy.  I saw a lot of full figure apparitions of him and felt his presence in hundreds of situations.  I came to get used to him being around me all time.  About June of 2002, I moved to Chris's house and stayed there with him for 2 years.  During that time, things were quiet.  I didn't have a lot of encounters, and it all kind of slipped into the past and out of my mind.  Then in 2004 we moved back to my property and got a "new" mobile home.  It wasn't long before things started to pick up.  There were orbs, orange, white and yellow.  Beautiful and frequent.  They were near the ceiling of my kitchen, above the head of my bed near the ceiling and coming up out of the floor of my living room.  I seen one come out of my Mom's car one night when she got home from being out with her friends.  Then all of a sudden it wasn't just my Daddy I was seeing anymore.  My grandmother, who had passed in July 2002, started shaking the foot of my bed at night.  She seemed to get a big kick out of waking me up like that.  She also would pull on my ankles.  Once another young female came in and tickled the bottom of my foot and shook the bed.  She had long strawberry blonde hair, and a gauzy white billowing night gown.  I also heard her giggle!  A man started showing up in the corner behind my chair.  He would make the movement of the rocker change, like bumping it in the middle of a rock.  He always smells strongly of old stale cigarette smoke.  He is in his mid thirties, and his name is David.  It is like he is trying to get someone's attention, but when he gets it, that's enough.  He never tries to leave a message - or at least I don't get a message from him.  There was also a woman in late 1800's to early 1900's clothing that showed herself - full figure - in my living room.  She had on a striped skirt and an apron.  She had her hair up on her head in a bun, right on top.  She looked like an old photograph, sepia colored, and she sort of rolled, like tv's did in the 80's if the setting wasn't just right.  She looked like my great grandmother - Alice (Ally), but I can't be sure.

About this time - mid 2005 or later - the "dark figure" started showing up again.  The first time, I was sick and sleeping in the recliner in the living room.  I wasn't sleeping well because I couldn't breathe through my nose at all.  I had a bad sore throat too.  I felt something come up at the bottom of the chair and then press down on my chest.  It wouldn't let up.  I prayed and called out the name of Jesus, and as soon as I said that Name...he was gone!  It was the same figure that had showed up at the side of my bed in the mid -nineties.  Later, I was sleeping on the couch in the living room and I heard footsteps coming down the hall.  I was sick again, and my Mom had been coming down in the day to take care of me.  So I thought it was still her there at night coming down the hall to check on me.  I was anxious to see her there because she is so comforting when you are sick, and I was really anticipating seeing her come around the corner.  But it wasn't her that came around the corner, it was the shadow man...He held me down again and curled up around my back, pressing his body tightly up against mine like he was spooning or cradling me.  Thing of it is, there was nowhere for anyone to lay behind me.  I was on the couch facing the back of it, and it is narrow.  I prayed and pled the blood of Jesus, and it left immediately.  I also knew where it was staying.  It was staying in the back of my craft room/closet.  It is messy in there, cluttered with boxes and totes of craft supplies and yarn.  If you didn't know it was organized, you would think that someone just threw stuff in there.  I tolerated it beig there for a while, and then talked to my Mom.  She had been having the same kind of experiences as I had and she still lived in the home where I had my first experience with him in the mid-nineties.  He would come down the hall at night and curl up around her and spoon her.  So I decided that something had to be done.  So I got ready and one morning I went after it.  I cleaned and straightened up the craft closet the best I could and then went in and rebuked it in the precious Name of Jesus Christ.  Then I told it that it was banished and could never come back ever again.  I read aloud the book of Psalms chapter 91.  I did that throughout my house, concentrating on the craft closet and the side of my bed.  It was really hard to do at first.  It felt like I was being choked.  I could hardly breathe, but I knew if I gave in and stopped that it would never leave and it would be even more powerful than it was.  So I pressed on.  It disappeared and things improved in that area dramatically.  I was still seeing my orbs and feeling my human spirits, but nothing evil.  It felt lighter and more bright in the house.  What a relief!

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