Thursday, April 29, 2010

Exercise - a dirty 7 letter word

Ok, I admit it, I HATE to sweat. And like I told Chris the other day while we were walking on the trail, if there is a bear chasing me, I might think about running, but playing dead sounds a lot easier... Walking the rail-trail, and riding bikes there too, is about all the exercise I want. When it comes to exercise equipment, I have about as much luck with it as I have with lawn mowers - see my previous blog. Besides, I used to take excuses for gym class from my Mom, and was raised that "bodily exercise profiteth little" ( 1 Tim. 4:8). I always wore dresses, and couldn't participate in a lot of the things that they were doing in gym class.

One day, Chris and I went to visit his parents. I had been there a few times before, so it wasn't my first visit. Good thing too... We talked with them a while and were discussing buying a treadmill. They had one, and wanted us to walk on theirs to see what we thought. Chris walks on it a few minutes and gets off and tells me to try it out. So I did. I had never been on a treadmill before, and I am so clumbsy that my nickname in my family is either "klutz" or "grace". Chris fastened the little shut off clip to my shirt and they started it up and I stepped off the sides and on the machine. Then they started talking to me. And that was all she wrote... The next thing I know I am flying off the thing backwards, hitting the wall and lying in a heap in the corner behind the machine, and my toe is throbbing! Chris and his dad are cracking up laughing and his Mom is shrilly telling them to get me up! No one knows for sure what exactly happened, but there were tread burns on my toe and it apparently got caught under the edge of the tread and twisted. All the guys could say is that they were sorry noone caught it on tape for America's Funniest Videos. Some help they were.

We did go on to buy a treadmill, and I used it for several weeks. One of the many times I have went on a diet and exercised and GAINED weight... So, so much for that! I'm not overweight; I'm under tall...


  1. I'm sorry Heidi but I laughed as I read this. Then I felt bad, then I thought about you flying off the treadmill and I started to laugh again.

  2. It's great that you laughed! That's why I started this blog! Glad you enjoyed this!
