Friday, April 30, 2010

Let's talk fire alarms...

Today, I am wondering about fire alarms and just how the infernal things work. Everytime I make a pizza or bake Chris's bread I set the oven on 425 degrees. This is a hot oven, but normal for baking things like this. The fire alarm joins in with the beeper that tells me the oven is at the proper temperature. Now my Mother's first rule of cooking is that the fire alarm is not the signal that the food is done, but mine goes off when it is supposed to go in...

On Wed. I was baking and of course, the fire alarm is going off. It would not stop so I took it down and took it outside on the porch banister. That night when Chris came home he brought it in and said it wouldn't do much good for us out there. He knows how it works, so it was no surprise to him to find it out there. I put it back up and didn't think anything more about it.

On Thursday, I was boiling water to drink and make Kool-aid. Our city water has more nasty in it than a well in a village in the middle of a cholera outbreak in the 1300's. I was pouring the hot water into a pitcher to cool, and the pitcher started to overflow. I grabbed a kitchen towel and threw it on the counter to stop the water from running down on the laminate floor. Well, the edge of the towel fell across the stove and I didn't see it and it caught fire. I had turned around to grab some paper towels for the water too, and when I turned back around I grabbed the water pitcher and poured it on the fire. And the entire time the fire alarm remained completely SILENT. Not a peep...hmmmm. Now how does that work??

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