Wednesday, April 21, 2010

OK! I'm ready to do this. A new adventure. I like adventure. I like a lot of things, and I like to learn new things everyday. So this means that today is taken care of. Now just to come up with topics to talk about. Shouldn't be too hard. My mom and I were in the waiting room the other day and were keeping the receptionist entertained. We were talking about how when I was little, Mom always told me not to wipe things off my hands with spit because spit stinks. Then, if she saw something on my face, she would lick her thumb and use her spit to wipe off my face...hmmm! Did her spit not stink, or did my face stink after she was done??

I also remember that my Mom, Grandma and I were walking down the street to the store one time and saw our preacher and his wife coming down the street toward us. Mom knows he will want to shake each of our hands when they get to us. Mom leans down and whispers in my ear that she just saw him picking his nose. She really didn't, but she wanted to see me try and not shake his hand. I was only about 6 years old and was raised to have alot of respect for myself and others. I avoided shaking his hand for as long as I could, but eventually had to. After they walked away, Mom had a big laugh when she told me that she really didn't see him picking his nose...and people wonder why I am twisted???

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